Saturday, October 24, 2015

Best 7 Steps to SEO Optimize Your YouTube Video

Welcome to this step by step tutorial how to SEO optimize your video for YouTube and Google
search results.
From a SEO and search perspective, the video title, video description, video tags and the video
transcript are the most important elements.

These are the most important steps to ranking high on YouTube and Google and remember, the
better a video is SEO optimized, the better the results will be. 99% of the time when people don’t
get the desired result, it’s because their videos are not properly SEO optimized.
Let’s get started:

1. File Name: Before uploading the video to YouTube, rename its file using the main
keyword i.e. “payday loan.mpg” If your video is already uploaded but doesn't have many
views, or good rankings it’s actually worth considering deleting and reuploading
video with the main keyword as the file name.

2. Title: Create video title using the main keyword and work the second most important
keyword. For example: Main keyword “payday loan” and secondary keyword “payday
loans” make “Payday Loans Success Story: How to get a payday loan in 1 day!”
The title must be enticing and get peoples attention. It is the most important part of the
entire process because it needs to stand out and make people want to click it. People
use Youtube search to find answers to their questions so using “How to... “ or “What is...”
work very well for video titles.

3. Description: In the video description you need to work in the keywords as well as the
URL to the landing page.
In the first sentence of the description which is visible on the player page, put the URL to
the landing page.
In a new paragraph, either paste the video’s audio script or write a roughly 200500
description and work in all keywords.
Use each keyword or keyword phrase twice in the description, many people use the
video script as the description and simply add keywords.

4. Category: Always choose the same category for all videos from the same Channel.

5. Tags: Add all keywords as tags to the video. Add another 510
related tags from the
suggested tags section to mix it up a little.

6. Closed Captions: After the video is published the auto captions need to be corrected
word for word. Close caption is a very important ranking tool, if you have it set up
correctly, your video will rank faster and higher.

7. Video Ranker: Now that you have SEO optimized your video, you should boost your
videos ranking using Video Ranker.

Video Ranker is a SEO solution to get your video ranked at the top of YouTube and Google to dominate the organic search results.
Get more information at

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