Tuesday, September 1, 2015

How Facebook Inc Managed Its 1 Billion Users Milestone

On Monday, August 24, 2015, social media giant Facebook witnessed a billion users on its site. Having a million users on a site on one particular day is considered a big deal, but a billion users on a single day equates to one in seven people on Earth; given the world population is 7.125 billion.

Mark Zuckerberg, Co-founder and CEO of Facebook used this opportunity to announce this milestone via his personal account. The social media site has surpassed 1.49 billion monthly active users (MAUs) and is nearing the billion mark for the daily active users (DAUs), which currently stands at 968 million.


These figures were released by Facebook during its Q2 2015 data and the site saw revenues of $4.04 billion. The statistics are pretty impressive especially for a social media site that wants to make Internet available to countries and users that are without access. It is indeed an ambitious goal, but Facebook is tackling the launch and proliferation of its Internet.org platform quite tactfully.


Starting with Zambia in July 2014, the service is now available across 17 countries around the world. The Internet.org initiative provides free access to a limited number of services to the developing world. The services include Facebook, Messenger, Wikipedia, and Google Search among others.

The big milestone achievement for Facebook is also attributed to the increasing number of users turning to mobile devices to access the social media site. According to socialbakers, 87% of the MAUs happen to be mobile users. People check in on-the-go, read news, update information, and communicate with other people while being mobile.

Did WhatsApp And Instagram Help Facebook?

Mark Zuckerberg sees an open and connected world in the future that becomes part of a strong online community. The company is not just limited to its social media platform and plans to become the largest content creator company that has controls over the largest number of users on the planet. However, the website alone cannot achieve this target and that is where Facebook’s acquisition spree comes in. With WhatsApp and Instagram under its helm, the company is expanding the number of users under its umbrella.

This also makes us question the one billion milestone that Mr. Zuckerberg claims to have been achieved by Facebook alone on a single day. Could it be possible that Instagram and WhatsApp had something to do with it and the complete picture is not revealed to us? Facebook managing one billion users on a single day on its own sounds a bit far-fetched as well but that is our opinion.

Not Just A Social Media Platform

Facebook has progressed from the part where it was just a social media website to serving the needs of small businesses by venturing into marketplace business. It also serves as a popular ad platform for big brands and even appeals to the social cause by introducing the "Donate Now" button for NGOs. The sheer power of the platform was also witnessed when it stepped up its humanitarian efforts during crisis.

We at TechNewsToday think that Facebook wants to be everything for the world’s population. It aims to be the one stop platform to answering all queries and solving all their problems without leaving the website. The recent foray into launching a personal digital assistant "M" to rival Cortana, Siri, and Google Now is another attempt to fulfilling that notion. Its success will only indicate whether Facebook is headed in the right direction or not.
 Is 2 Billion Possible By 2020?

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