Monday, March 7, 2016

Apple Watch Now Available for Only $25

Wall Street Journal reports that employees of a few of health firms will get an Apple watch for as cheap as $25 against a simple tradeoff, which is to do monthly fitness goals for two years. Getting a Watch which originally costs $350 for $25 is worth the sweat and exercise.

To spur fitness awareness and reduce the yearly health insurance cost, the Vitality Group has initiated a fitness program in some heath companies to motivate their employees to exercise and stay healthy. The biotech firms include Amgen, DaVita HealthCare Partners, and ad insurance firm Lockton Cos.

Employees who fail to achieve the monthly-wellness goals will have to pay $13.50 for that month. The program has been launched to stand for the Affordable Care Act, which has asked companies to incentivize as much as 30% of the total healthcare cost of employees in the form of gifts and cards.

Other companies that are involved in encouraging employees to lose some pounds with enticing deals include Fitbit and United Health Group. The former has hundreds of corporate customers who provide Fitbit trackers at discounted price to their employee. The latter has planned to pay $1,460 annually to employees to meet the fitness goals regularly.

While this looks to some as a win-win situation, such that it reduces the cost of health coverage, it has to receive some resistance from those concerned about employees privacy. The fitness trackers could reveal personal health-related information about the employees, which could be misused and put a person’s career at risk.

While we don’t know if Apple is directly involved in this program, it is, in any case, going to spur Apple Watch sales and may form a good customer base for its upcoming edition as well, as people may want to try the new features of Apple Watch 2. There is no confirm news about its price, but we can hope to have the same fitness deal around next year as well, in which Apple Watch 2 will be given for $25 as well.

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