Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Apple's Macbook to Incorporate Haptic Technology

The US Patent and Trademark Office has published a new patent application by Apple regarding haptic notifications for MacBook and other devices, Patently Apple reports.

The haptic alert system is already available in Apple Watch and iPhone. The company just plans to extend it to other devices such as iMac or other kitchen appliances.

This system has made lives easier, as it notifies about any text or call be it the screen is turned off or covered. The patent explains that the system notifies a user by vibrations, temperatures, motion or other forces, coupled with one or more sounds.

The illustration in the patent shows a laptop with a closed lid. Now a user will never miss any alert for emails, or download completion. This vibration would alert the users right away or notify them later when they use it again. User would be alerted when they switch between apps or modes (switch on/off airplane mode), security alerts, or any events related to other applications.

Apple is always a little late in introducing new features as compared to other tech giants as it believes in perfection. The integration of this feature may be seen in upcoming devices. This is a much-needed feature as many users who shift from Android devices to iPhone take time to adjust with a keyboard that allows no haptic feedback.

However, this is all based on speculation since it is just a patent application. There has been no official word from the company as yet.

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