Saturday, May 23, 2015

How to Disable Seen on Facebook Chat

Nowadays this Seen Feature in Facebook is really annoying and it is killing our privacy. Most of the users wanted to disable it but Facebook has made it mandatory. But there are many Third Party Companies who create website and software’s for disabling this Seen feature in Facebook Chat and
messages. But they are bit complicated to use and many Facebook Users are fed-up of using it and give up. But this article is for the users who are struggling to disable Seen Feature in Facebook chat or messages.
Mostly people use two types of Browsers, One is Google Chrome and other is Mozilla Firefox. So i have given a detailed article for both Google Chrome Users and Mozilla Firefox users.

How to Disable Seen on Facebook Chat (Chrome Users)

For Google Chrome Users there is a extension to use. The extension is called Facebook Message Seen Notification Remover and
its easy to use.

1. Download and Install the extension

Firstly, You need to download and install the extension.
 Download the Extension

2. Enable the Extension

After you have downloaded and installed the Extension on your chrome browser, Goto Settings->Extension and enable the extension.
Now Seen Feature will be disabled on your Facebook chat or messages.

How to Disable Seen on Facebook Chat (Mozilla Firefox Users)

For Mozilla Firefox users there is an Plugin to use. The plugin is called Facebook Seen Notification Remover and it is easy to use.

1. Download and install the Plugin

Firstly, You need to download and install the plugin in your Mozilla Firefox Browser.

 Download Plugin

2. Enable the Plugin

After you have done download and installing the extension, you have to enable it. Goto Tools->Addons and enable it.
Now “Seen” Feature will be disabled on your Facebook chat or messages.
Enjoy Guys! and don't forget to post your comments. ©

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