Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Raspberry Pie Rolls Out Pi 3: Celebrating Four Years

Raspberry Pie Foundation, an educational organization based in the UK, celebrated its fourth anniversary on February 29. It also launched its latest personal computer, Raspberry Pi 3. Eben Upton, Founder of the charity, made the announcement through an official blog post as well.

Mr. Upton founded Raspberry Pie in 2006, along with a few other fellows who were based at the Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge. Together, they embarked on a mission to provide affordable PCs for kids, for capacity building, and to promote computer literacy. The organization also advanced education in the field of computers among adults as well.

The charity’s latest personal computer, Pi 3, is far superior to its predecessor, Pi 2, omit; specs and features. Priced at just $35, this tiny new model packs Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and features wireless compatibility with peripherals such as keyboard and mouse. Mr. Upton expressed joy over the specs offered in the latest release. He said: “Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are a thing people have been asking for a long time.”

Furthermore, Pi 3 is the company’s first PC which is made on a 64-bit computing board; all previous models were built on 32-bit boards. Besides, Pi 2’s 900MHz quad-core ARM Cortex A7 processor is now replaced by 1.2GHz ARM Cortex A53 chip, and 1GB RAM, which will make it 50% faster than predecessors. Mr. Upton stated: “Our primary goal in moving to A53 from A7 was to get a better 32-bit core. A53 running in 32-bit mode outperforms A7 at the same clock speed by 20-30 percent.” Additionally, the new PC is backed by a powerful 2.5A power supply, so users would be required to upgrade their power source.

The purpose of Raspberry Pi PCs is to offer affordable computers to institutions, which cannot afford otherwise. The addition of Wi-Fi in Pi 3 PCs will allow users to get rid of the cumbersome creation of the Internet network via Ethernet cables, as in older models of Pi. The addition of Bluetooth will be helpful for researchers to collect data from various sensors available.

Pi 3 will add significant value to the lives of underprivileged people and charity-based educational institutes across the UK. The foundation is managed by a board of trustees, including David Cleevely (Chairman), Jack Lang (Cofounder and Vice Chairman), David Braben (Cofounder), Pete Lomas (Cofounder), and Alan Mycroft (Cofounder) among others.

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